Sources of Cholesterol in the Body Two main sources of cholesterol in the body is the body itself and the food we eat. All animals can produce cholesterol in their bodies and animal products are part of human foods that naturally contain cholesterol.
The liver produces blood cholesterol to carry out certain functions in the body. Studies show that about 75 percent of cholesterol in the body produced by the liver and the other 25 percent comes from food we eat.
Cholesterol from food is called food cholesterol. While blood cholesterol produced by the liver, an important component needed to perform many functions of the body. Excess cholesterol from the foods you eat can cause heart disease.
Balanced Diet No matter if you consume cholesterol from food, but when combined with a highly saturated fat, it will be a problem. Cholesterol intake of foods with high saturated fat can increase cholesterol levels in your body. This means the body gets extra cholesterol buildup in arteries which eventually restricts blood flow to normal, making clogged arteries, and can result in causing a stroke.
Therefore, it is important to maintain healthy cholesterol levels by balancing dietary cholesterol and saturated fats in food. Balancing the diet is your first step to achieving a healthy lifestyle and healthy eating. The second step is to maintain the health and fitness through regular physical exercise.
Low Cholesterol Diet MenuChange your diet to avoid the possibility of heart disease. Here is a list of foods to lower cholesterol:
Fruit and Vegetables
All kinds of fruits and vegetables are healthy foods because they contain vitamins and minerals, contains no fat and low calorie content. Besides low calories, fruits and vegetables are also a source of food rich in fiber and useful to the body's metabolism. Intake of fruits and vegetables are routinely trusted to keep people from heart disease and lowers high blood pressure.
Without Meat Fat
Red meat is the main cause of rising levels of cholesterol in our body, we should avoid it whenever possible. Try the consumption of lean meats such as turkey, chicken and fish to the list of foods low in cholesterol. But if you still insist want to eat red meat, try the cooking process is done properly and specifically to reduce levels of fat and cholesterol.
Avoid white flour products, except for grains and cereals in the diet. White flour has a high amount of carbohydrates and the consumption of such foods can increase cholesterol in the body. Grains are known to have high energy and fiber content of food. In addition, cereal grains and beans, brown bread, pasta and potatoes also helps lower cholesterol.
Dairy Products
In the market now easily found products skim or low-fat dairy products. Avoid drinking regular milk because it is definitely contain cholesterol. Many people with high cholesterol who avoid dairy products altogether in their diet. Do not do this! It would be more accurate if you replace it with low-fat milk.
Oils and Fats
Avoid saturated fats if you've started a diet low in cholesterol, such as that found in some products such as butter, margarine and oils that contain fat. To replace it, try taking fish oil as much as 3-4 times a week to help lower cholesterol.
That's some low-cholesterol diet foods that can be used to reduce high cholesterol levels in the body. Start your diet and healthy lifestyle to avoid this disease and also the risk of other diseases. Take control of your cholesterol now too, because its impact will be felt in the future! To help you lower your blood cholesterol levels and protect heart health, you can use either fat supplementation is very beneficial for heart health, Omega 3 from Ultimate Nutrition.