Diet by teenagers, is to get the ideal weight or just follow the trend aja, also gag tau. But most importantly, you must know, if extreme diet of adolescents at risk of cancer, diabetes and heart disease.
This is based on the results of a survey conducted by the Centers for Desease Control and Prevention (CDC). Even more extreme, his eating habits and gag ekstrin teenagers who regularly can lead to serious health problems, with up to teenagers died. Wow!
On one hand, teens need extra energy to grow, so the nutrients they are supposed to obtain for the growth of gag they got. Teenagers are very less attention to the intake of vitamins and minerals, especially calcium, iron and zinc.
From the results of a study published the Journal of Nutrition Education, teenagers generally mononton more than 100,000 food advertising on television. These foods are high in fat and sugar, and drinks too much soda, so less to get calcium is beneficial for growth.
Teens also tend to avoid the consumption of fruits and vegetables that contain lots of various substances to prevent the disease. For a healthier you deh try to make healthy habits, such as limiting snacking while watching TV and diligent eating fruits and vegetables.