Based on the results of recent studies, are known to a person who ate chocolate and sweets tend to have smaller waist and body mass index (BMI) is low. Not only that, they are often mengasup "the sweet" is also the risk of hypertension was 14 percent lower and 15 percent could reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome.
Carol O'Neil, a researcher from Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, revealed the consumption of sweets and chocolate had no effect on body weight or illness if taken properly. From his research on average the study participants ate 1.3 ounces of candy per day.
In his research he analyzed the dietary data of more than 15,000 American adults who followed a survey on eating habits in the years 1999-2004. The respondents were asked what their food / create in the last 24 hours.
About 20 percent of respondents said they do not eat sweet foods like candy or chocolate at all.
Then the researchers measured weight and waist circumference of all respondents. Who dance, those who mengasup sweet foods on average had a lower BMI than those who do not eat candy.
"The important thing to remember is, the candy itself was not put on weight. What makes the growing body fat is excessive calorie intake," said Heather Mangieri, a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association.
Nevertheless, the experts evaluate the research method is considered less appropriate because the respondent could have forgotten to remember what they ate in 24 hours terahir.
"The fans of sweet foods in this study may also exercise regularly so that their weight is lower," said Katherine Tallmadge, a nutritionist from the American Dietetic Association.
However, for those who do not want to be fat, he suggested that we keep eating. Excess calories more than 10 percent every day can cause a buildup of fat. Excess calories can be obtained from the junk food, high calorie snacks or sweet foods.